Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm not an addict, maybe that's a lie.

Ah, the internal battle of being a 3L with a job lined up.

I want to study. At least in theory. But I don't. I force myself to go to coffee when I wake up (which lately has been about 1:00 PM in the afternoon thanks to late night Perkins runs and the discovery of tv shows on the internet). And I work diligently for about an hour before I want to leave. I didn't start outlining until about 3 days ago. Where has my closet gunner spirit gone? Why isn't the drive to make order of the coif enough to compel me to forgo social activities? I feel like I'm constantly justifying my refusal to work on the basis of my job - "Sure, I can go out tonight until 4:00 AM, school doesn't matter anymore." And then I contemplate my exams (which start in a week), convince myself that I'm going to fail those, fail out of school, and lose that precious job. Then I think of the forced curve and go out anyways. It's not really lazy behavior - it's just that my preferences have shifted lately and I want to go out more than usual. Yeah, I may be even considered "social" by some. Disturbing indeed.

As part of my plan to avoid outlining and sabotage my legal career, I started re-reading The Fountainhead a few weeks ago. I read it about 6 times between high school and college, but hadn't touched it since then. Perhaps I'm just trying to provide a rationale for my egotistical behavior as of late. It's working.

Lame Evidence Pickup Lines

And now, once again stealing the concept from The Unreasonable Man (as I did 1L and 2L years), are my own lame pick up lines - Evidence style. I figure if I can do this, it's probably as good as studying....

"Baby, you know you're required to ignore my prior bad acts as evidence of my propensity to hurt you again in the future!"

"I'm taking judicial notice of how hot you are - there's no way that's subject to reasonable dispute."

"If you were a prosecutor, I'd offer to plead guilty of the crime of loving you."

"Although it doesn't enhance my credibility, I just want to say that I worship you as my own personal jesus."

"I'll bring an expert in to testify how you make my heart melt, provided his testimony meets the Daubert standard."

"You had me so worked up in bed last night that I couldn't help making all those excited utterances."


Yeah, I'm going to fail.


Music: "Turn on Me" - The Shins (Off the new album, which will be released in January. It's amazing!)


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